
Dex was offered for sale as the last lot in a livestock auction, he was carried around the ring at eight weeks old. Nobody wanted him because he only had one eye. Nobody, that is, except us. He's such a dude, he rides about on the back of the quad bike, spends all day with the chickens, geese, ducks (he thinks he's a duck), and sheep. He only comes up at night to sleep in the barn with the neighbours farm dogs. He's such a happy, happy boy.
Our Great Danes
Our Land

Our land totals 20 acres, made up of mixed woodland and fields. It was virtually untouched for 40 years before we bought it and we like it that way!
Although we now have all mod cons like fencing and gates we are very aware of conservation.
We try to leave wide field margins, lay our hedges and coppice our woods to leave a fair proportion of wood lying on the ground. We also leave 'wild' areas in each of our fields. This may only be a 30ft square area of gorse or nettles but the wildlife seems to love it - in particular we have an abundance of butterflies in our grazing fields.
We have hung bat boxes along our paths which seem to be used, even if they are high jacked by birds sometimes! These are incredibly easy to make, if you would like dimensions and photographs please let us know!
We have resident wildlife on our land, including buzzards, herons, badgers, red and roe deer; amongst many others.
We do not spray our fields and prefer to control weeds and bracken with the use of a strimmer, the goats or pigs!
Although we now have all mod cons like fencing and gates we are very aware of conservation.
We try to leave wide field margins, lay our hedges and coppice our woods to leave a fair proportion of wood lying on the ground. We also leave 'wild' areas in each of our fields. This may only be a 30ft square area of gorse or nettles but the wildlife seems to love it - in particular we have an abundance of butterflies in our grazing fields.
We have hung bat boxes along our paths which seem to be used, even if they are high jacked by birds sometimes! These are incredibly easy to make, if you would like dimensions and photographs please let us know!
We have resident wildlife on our land, including buzzards, herons, badgers, red and roe deer; amongst many others.
We do not spray our fields and prefer to control weeds and bracken with the use of a strimmer, the goats or pigs!